From the idea to realization, Dejan Cvetojevic - frontman of the bands
Doghouse, Opoziv, Viseci Vrtovi Vavilona.
'The process of creating the songs was made backward, without any kind of preconceived plan to do it that way.
Maybe it went primal, start with the drums first…. make a song using only sticks and skin type thing...
Made in that way, this sporadic journey of songs was trippy, to say the least.
But, here it is, make of it what you will.
I’m good.
Thank you.'

Vocals - D.C.
Bass - D.C.
All guitars - D.C.
Drums - D.C.
Songwriting - D.C.
Production - D.C.

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All material is copyrighted. If you wish to license material, don't hesitate to get in touch with us through email, or write directly to artists. Black Rabbit Tea doesn't take part in sales. All proceeds go to artists!
Contact artist for inquiries: onebandbelgrade@gmail.com